This Webpage
This is totally my Private Blog here, you will find diverse code snippets, small tools and ‘how tos’ - mostly related to games I currently play or tech related Stuff. As said, this is totaly my hobby so no commercial objective. All tools/addons/scripts you find here are open source and available free of charge.
About Me

My Name is Marco G, and I am currently living in Bochum - Germany. I got my first personal computer (PC) in 1987, and since then I have been, more or less, addicted to games and much more in the technical related things in the Background of my fav. Games. I have fond memories of games such as Elite, Kings Quest and spent many hours with Dune, Doom and Rise of the Triad. Due to this "addiction" my wish was to get into this Gaming-Business. But when I finished the technical college, there was nothing much gaming-related in Germany, besides a few magazines. This was unsatisfactory to me so I decided to go my own way as a Co-Founder of a new company. As of today, our company has been running for more than 20 years, providing services to companies in the gaming industry. This circumstance gave me the possibility to work for a vary of Company's like Activision, Bethesda, Blizzard, Microsoft, Square Enix, Nintendo, Ubisoft and many many more.
As written before, this Blog is totaly my hobby - feel free to follow me on various social networks. If you ever need a technical problem solver or anything related to
Event-IT feel free to contact me.