Please find more current Information about LegendsHD in a new summarizing Blog Post here. The Information presented below is outdated!
It has been quiet for a while about LegendsHD. Many users send in usefull feedback for the RC1 version but there are some users with problems I cant reproduce. This is the reason for this RC1 DEBUG until a final release. Basically its exactly the same featureset you had in RC1, if everything was OK no need to update. The only difference is the debug output. So if you are one of those experiencing major Problems with the RC1 please Download the DEBUG version and use to send me the created debug logfile. The RC1 DEBUG Version will create a file named legendshd_debug.log in the directory where you start the legendhd executable.
  • LegendsHD RC 1 DEBUG release

Am I affected ?

This debug release only affect those users having problems with the LegendsHD Tool itself. LoL Client Bugsplats are not part of this debugging. In this case I still need the RIOT Game Client LOG File to get any further information. But if you cant start the legendshd tool or receive errors or its just not applying the HD effect please upload the generated LOG to and use the comments below this Posting to paste me the link. Do not send it by mail ! Thanks.

LoL Client Bugsplat

If it`s your lol client causing the problem you may have a too weak graphic board installed. If you doubt that not the reason please let me know as much details as possible in the comments below.

Final Release ?

Right here:  


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