ColorMyShell - Colored Bash Prompt Generator ColorMyShell lets you easily customize your bash terminal prompt with a drag-and-drop generator interface, real-time previews, and a color picker. It's a simple way to add personality and functionality to your coding environment, making your terminal uniquely yours.Read more
Exploring Star Citizen's Initial Shader Generation: An Experiment Investigation into Star Citizen shader generation from the get-go. How quick the game builds shaders even before you're exploring the verse. This article offers you a glimpse into an 18-minute test run, offering insights when the Shaders get really build.Read more
Force docker Containers through VPN using gluetun Master secure Docker networking with Gluetun—the hassle-free way to route container traffic through a VPN. Guide walks you through setting up Gluetun in Docker-compose, linking containers for privacy, and configuring VPN connectionsRead more
Keeping a personal Knowledge Base Nurturing Your Knowledge: Why Joplin is My Note-Taking ChampionRead more
Star Citizen - Performance Tuning and get rid of Stuttering Discover helpful tips to enhance Star Citizen's performance amid ongoing development. Understand realistic expectations, common troubleshooting steps, and the supportive SC community resources for assistance in improving your gameplay experience.Read more
pfSense; Unable to check for updates Again pfSense suddenly "Unable to check for updates" pkg manager gives "pkg-static: Cannot parse configuration file!" or "pkg-static: invalid url"Read more
pfSense with PPPoE tagged VLAN Connection Using pfSense with a WAN Connection require a VLAN Tag setup to work proper over PPPoERead more
Why your local DNS Name does matter. What to pick as an Domain Name (DNS FQDN) in your local Network or LAN Setup? Does it matter? Or why .local isn't recommended anymore.Read more
Windows DHCP Info / Monitor Tool Verbose DHCP Information in Windows CLI. Lightweight Information about what's going on DHCP wise in the background.Read more
NUC LED to Display Internet Connection Quality Simple Cron Script to show the Status of your Internet Connection on the Ring Color LED at a Intel NUC.Read more
pfSense pkg error: Shared object "" not found, required by "pkg" Short Fix documentation for pfSense package manager Error: Shared object "" not found, required by "pkg"Read more
rescreen - Tool to move all Windows to your Win Main Screen Simple and tiny tool to move all Windows to your main Screen without any prompt or options. Rescue for me when undocking my laptop from the dock and some windows stuck to 2nd Screen.Read more
Unitymedia / Vodafone Cable with real DUAL-Stack How to Configure your Vodafone / Unitymedia CableMax in Dualstack with a pfsense behind a AVM Fritzbox as Bridge using a own /32 IPv6 Network for each VLAN.Read more
Unifi L3 Adoption with DHCP Option 43 on pfSense, Mikrotik and others Making a Unifi L3 Adoption easy with DHCP Option 43 on pfSense, Mikrotik and other Routers. A small Wizzard and config Information Sheet how to add the Vendor Option 43 quickly.Read more
Resilio as Private Cloud Resilio Sync is a very usefull Software to keep your Data Synced without using any cloud storage. Easy use a private way to keep your data synced over the internet without a cloud provider.Read more
Debian/Ubuntu with automatic APT unattended updates Debian/Ubuntu with automatic APT unattended updates / upgrades. How to setup unattended-upgrades as auto-upgrades.Read more
EPIC Game Launcher slow Download speed Slow Downloadspeed in EPIC Game Launcher? This is a small fix helping you to quickly improve the Download Speed in the Epic Launcher for WindowsRead more
pihole docker with docker-compose in my LAN Small how-to to install pihole container with docker-composer and configuring itRead more
letsencrypt auto NGINX reload on renew, doing it right... The right way to let certbot reload Nginx automatically after a letsencrypt certificate was updated.Read more
A SIP Honeypot Blacklist SIP Honeypot is a SIP 5060 udp Honeypot Blacklist for use in Firewalls to Block SIP Crawlers and Bruteforcer.Read more
$this->DomainName got Changed I decided to change the Domain Name of my blog. after 20 Years!!! WTF :p Why?Read more
pfsense xinetd on rampage: readjusting service One of the "Today I learned" write downs - Today, pfsense XINETD on Rampage spamming "Readjusting service" on high CPU LoadRead more
Preventive blocking of bad IPs using iptables Small bash Script to automatically preventive add iptables BLOCKS to from most dangerous or abusive hosts on your server. Read more
ssh:// Protocol Link Handler Win10 and Mobaxterm Small How To using a proper ssh:// link Handler to open a custom SSH Client like Mobaxterm in WindowsRead more
Using clamav to scan only new files Small trick to use Clamav to only scanning new or recent modified files Read more
Links: Privacy & Awesome Selfhosted Just a tiny recommendation with two Links I want to put here. One for a good privacy Information / tool Page and another one with a great collection of selfhosted opensource Alternatives.Read more
Finally new home router based on pfSense I upgraded my home router to pfSense. pfBlockerNG, unbound and 2x OpenVPN with AES-NI.Read more
Blackout a different NAT Error cod blackout port forwarding lobby issues with different NAT type. Lobby is not joinable due to different NAT Type. How to avoid that error.Read more
Ubuntu Subsystem Windows und Keepass KeeAgent / pageant Use a windows based SSH Agent (pagent) for Passwordless Authentication at the Linux Subsystem for Windows WSLRead more
Ubuntu Subsystem Windows und Keepass KeeAgent / pageant ???????? Nutzen eines Windows basierten SSH Agent (pageant) zur Passwortlosen Authentifizierung im Linux Subsystem für Windows (bei mir Ubuntu Bash)Read more
Amazon Echo / Alexa meets CatFeeder Als DIY Projekt lernt mein Amazon Alexa meinen CatFeeder zu steuern. Anbei Code Snippets zur sicheren Kommunikation mit Amazon Alexa Service in PHP.Read more
Freifunk Bochum FF-BO-WAT-Bismarckplatz Seit kurzem dann auch mal ein Freifunk Hotspot in meinem Besitz...Read more
Improve Surface 4 SSD Performance How a tiny manual driver Update can Improve your Microsoft Surface 4 SSD Performance enormousRead more
CoD Black Ops III PC Optimierug zum Start Wichtige Optimierungen zum Start von Call of Duty Black Ops 3 (PC)Read more
DHL RANT Paketdienst DHL, ein Paket nach China und eine "tolle" Erfahrung mit der "Web Frankierung" .... AHRG!!Read more
Nvidia's GTX 950 - Die MOBA Karte. oh Rly? Oh Rly NVIDIA? Was ist das denn wieder für eine grandiose Marketing Idee?Read more
Win10 Privacy Batch Script Die Windows 10 Telemetrie mit einfachen Bordmitteln einschränken.Read more
Anime: Patema Inverted Mit "Sakasama no Patema" habe ich mal wieder einen Anime Entdeckt der zeigt das nicht nur Studio Ghibli in der Lage ist Tolle Geschichten zu transportieren...Read more
Gute freie Bildquellen für Blogs Meine verschiedene Quellen für hochqualitative freie Bilder zum aufhübschen der eigenen Posts.Read more
FireTV und chinesisches Fernsehen Amazon's FireTV ist klasse, etwas damit beschäftigt und schon habe ich unendliche TV Programme mehr.Read more
Technik aufräumen am Wochenende Endlich mal wieder ein Wochenende nicht unterwegs, das habe ich genutzt um mal meinen Technikschrank zu entrümpeln.Read more
Umzug nach Linux Seit nun fast 6 Wochen verwende ich Linux als Hauptbetriebsystem, mein erstes Fazit...Read more
Linux: google Drive gdsheet nutzen Kleines linux tool zum remote öffnen von google docs Verknüpfungen im Google Drive. So genannte gdsheet / gddocs links.Read more
TrueCrypt RIP und 7.1 Mirror TrueCrypt unter merkwürdigen Umständen eingestellt und entfernt.Read more
Goodbye WCG ;( Eine Nachricht die mich nicht glücklich stimmt, nach 14 Jahren Betrieb wurde die WCG heute eingestellt.Read more