Rage sieht optisch schon ohne weiteres zutun sehr gut aus. Um nun aber auch von den letzten Ressourcen meines PCs zu profitieren habe ich ein wenig in den Config Dateien rumgeschraubt. Da Rage an sich, ganz ID Soft unüblich, mit sehr spartanischen Konfigruationsmöglichkeiten im UI daher kommt muss alles über eine Anpassung der rageConfig.cfg laufen.

RAGE in HQ ? Wie sieht das ganze aus ?

Nun Bilder und Videos sagen in diesem Fall mehr als Worte. Anmerkung zum Video: Da FRAPS in der HQ Rage Config den Aufnahmerechner (nicht meiner) sehr stark belastet ist die Videogeschwindigkeit mies. Ohne Fraps Recording läuft es dagegen mit 60 FPS.

1. RAGE Startparameter Anpassen

Aber fangen wir mal bei den Startparametern an, hierzu einfach in der Steam Library Rechtsklick auf RAGE und dort Eigenschaften/Properties hier gibt es eine Funktion "Set launch options..." der Dialog sieht in etwa so aus: Rage Launch Optionen, allowconsole Options In das Textfeld kommen nun folgende Startparameter:
+com_skipIntroVideo 1 +set g_fov 96 +set m_rawinput 1 +set m_raw 1 +m_smooth 0 +com_allowconsole 1

2. Die rageConfig.cfg anpassen

Nun bitte mit dem Windows Explorer das RAGE Verzeichnis öffnen. In der Regel befindet sich dieses im Steam Ordner unter:


Hier bitte nach einer Datei mit dem Namen rageConfig.cfg Ausschau halten. Existiert diese nicht erstell einfach eine leere Textdatei und benenne sie um in rageConfig.cfg. In diese Datei nun per Copy & Paste diese Config einfügen:
//HD Config v2.1.1 By FusedCore
echo "^1 Loading the HD Config v2.1.1 by FusedCore..."
//cvar_restart //use this setting to use the games default settings
cvaradd s_lockListener -1; seta s_lockListener 0; echo "^1Setting the Cvar listener to unlock the settings so this game can use the config..."
seta jobs_numThreads 1; echo "^1Setting the threads..." //CPU Threads Use 0-12 for the number of threads your system has. Lower Numbers are better and Use this only if your having Stuttering or hanging.
seta com_videoRam "1503"; echo "^1Setting the Video memory size..." //sets the Video Card memory Set this to the amount you have in MB
//cvaradd com_synctotime -1;  echo "^1Disabling the framelimiter..." //Use this command to disable the 60fps locker
//seta com_maxfps "60"; echo "^1Setting the fps to your settings..." //limits the frames to 60 can be changed to what you desire
seta fc_maxcachememoryMB 2048; echo "^1Setting the File Cache size..." //Increases the default file cache size to completely eliminate the popins
seta image_anisotropy "16"; echo "^1Setting the Ansistropy Filtering..." //Using the highest setting here but you can set as 2, 4 or 8
seta image_usecompression 0; echo "^1Disabling the Image Compression..."
seta image_filter "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR"; echo "^1Setting the image filtering..."
seta image_blend "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR"; echo "^1Setting the image blending"
seta image_preload "1"; echo "^1Enabling preloaded Images..."//Use preload images when ever possible
seta image_lodbias "-1"; echo "^1Setting the image  LoD..." //LoD settings
seta image_ignoreHighQuality "0"; echo "^1Setting the HQ images..." //Sets up for using HQ gfx
seta image_ignoreLowQuality "1" echo "^1Setting the LQ images..." //ignores the low textures
seta image_useCache "1"; echo "^1Setting the image cache..." //Enabled Cache to allow the textures to load properly without popping
seta image_cacheMegs "8192"; echo "^1Setting the cache maxsize..." //Cache size in Megabytes
seta image_cacheMinK "1024"; echo "^1Setting the cache minsize..." //Cache minimum size in kilobytes
seta r_aspectRatio "1"; echo "^1Setting the Aspect Ratio..."  // 0=4:3, 1=16:9, 2=16:10, 3=5:4 TFT, -1 custom
seta r_fullscreen "1"; echo "^1Setting the fullscreen option..."
//seta r_customAspectRatioV "10"
//seta r_customAspectRatioH "16"
seta r_swapInterval 1; echo "^1Setting the Vsync option..." //VSYNC 1 enabled, 0 diabled
seta r_useHighQualityPostProcess "1"; echo "^1Setting the HQ post proccessing..." //Fore High Quality post proccessing
seta r_shadowsHighQuality "1"; echo "^1Setting the HQ Shadows..." //Fore High Quality shadows
seta r_displayRefresh "0" //keep it so the engine doesn't double render a frame
seta r_renderer "best" //highest rendering options
seta r_multiSamples "32"; echo "^1Setting the MultiSampling..." //Set this to 16 or 8 if you're having low-fps as 32 is the Max Multi-sampling
seta r_useHBAO "1"; echo "^1Setting the Ambient occlusion..."
seta r_useRenderThread "1" // 0 Disable or 1 Enable threaded rendering  useful for newer cards to increase performance.
seta r_visDistMult "1"
seta r_useMotionBlur "1"; echo "^1Setting the Motion Blur..." //use blur
seta r_skipBump "0"
seta r_skipSpecular "0"
seta r_skipNewAmbient "0"
seta r_shadows "1"; echo "^1Setting the Shadows..."
seta r_cgFragmentProfile "best"
seta r_cgVertexProfile "best"
seta vt_lodBias "-1"; echo "^1Setting the Visual Texture LoD..." //LoD settings
//below is cache settings And advanced GFX settings
echo "^1Setting the Textures type..."
seta vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly2 "8192"
seta vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly "8192"
seta vt_pageimagesizeunique "8192"
seta vt_pageimagesizevmtr "8192"
seta vt_maxPPF 64; echo "^1Setting the Pages per file..." //Set this to 64 for Quad-cores CPU's or higher, 16 or 8 for dual-cores CPU's
seta vt_preload "1"; echo "^1Setting the Visual Textures to Preload..."
//Begin Advanced GFX Filtering and Sharper Images. Comment these 3 lines out if you are having issues or don't like the way it looks.
echo "^1Setting the Visual Texture Filters"
//End of Advanced GFX Filtering
seta vt_useCache "1"; echo "^1Setting the Visual texture cache..."
seta vt_cacheMegs "8192"; echo "^1Setting the cache maxsize..."
seta vt_cacheMinK "10"; echo "^1Setting the cache minsize..."
seta vt_ignoreHighQuality "0"; echo "^1Setting the HQ Visual Texture..."
seta vt_ignoreLowQuality "1"; echo "^1Setting the LQ Visual Texture..."
//Begin HD Settings
echo "^1 -Loading the HD Settings..."
seta vt_qualityhdplossless "1"
seta vt_qualityhdppower "1"
seta vt_qualityhdpspecular "1"
seta vt_qualityhdpnormal "0"
seta vt_qualityhdpdiffuse "1"
seta vt_qualitydctpower "100"
seta vt_qualitydctspecular "100"
seta vt_qualitydctnormal "100"
seta vt_qualitydctchroma "100"
seta vt_qualitydctluma "100"
seta vt_maxlockedpages "2048"
//HD Image settings
seta image_qualityhdplossless "1"
seta image_qualityhdppower "1"
seta image_qualityhdpspecular "1"
seta image_qualityhdpnormal "0"
seta image_qualityhdpdiffuse "1"
seta image_qualitydctpower "100"
seta image_qualitydctspecular "100"
seta image_qualitydctnormal "100"
seta image_qualitydctchroma "100"
seta image_qualitydctluma "100"
seta image_maxlockedpages "1024"
//End HD Settings
echo "^1 -HD Settings Loaded..."
echo "Setting Advanced detailing"
seta g_showPlayerShadow "1"
seta r_showGlobalShadows "1"
seta r_showDimShadows "1"
seta r_showAmbientLighting "1"
seta r_showDynamic "1"
seta r_showEdges "1"
seta r_showEnvs "1"
seta r_showShadows "1"
seta r_showBlendedLights "1"
seta r_showBlendedSurfOverdraw "1"
seta r_showBuffers "1"
seta r_showCommits "1"
seta r_showCracks "1"
seta r_showDepth "1"
seta r_showDestinationAlpha "1"
seta r_showDetailNodeBounds "1"
echo "...Advanced detailing Set"
//Change these to 0 Disable or 1 Enable
seta r_skipAddAlways                  "0"
seta r_skipAnalyze                    "0"
seta r_skipAreaCPUCulling             "0"
seta r_skipAreaGPUCulling             "0"
seta r_skipAugment                    "0"
seta r_skipAutosprites                "0"
seta r_skipBaseSurfaces               "0"
seta r_skipBeams                      "0"
seta r_skipBlendedSurfaces            "0"
seta r_skipBlendLights                "0"
seta r_skipCloth                      "0"
seta r_skipCommits                    "0"
seta r_skipDecals                     "0"
seta r_skipDetailModels               "0"
seta r_skipDetailTris                 "0"
seta r_skipDimShadows                 "0"
seta r_skipDistortionSurfaces         "0"
seta r_skipDynamic                    "0"
seta r_skipDynamicLighting            "0"
seta r_skipEffects                    "0"
seta r_skipEmissiveGlare              "0"
seta r_skipFeedback                   "0"
seta r_skipFlares                     "0"
seta r_skipFoliage                    "0"
seta r_skipGeneratedFileCheck         "0"
seta r_skipGlare                      "0"
seta r_skipGuis                       "0"
seta r_skipLightCPUCulling            "0"
seta r_skipLightGPUCulling            "0"
seta r_skipLights                     "0"
seta r_skipMergeMeshes                "0"
seta r_skipModelCPUCulling            "0"
seta r_skipModelGPUCulling            "0"
seta r_skipModelRangeCulling          "0"
seta r_skipModels                     "0"
seta r_skipNodeCPUCulling             "0"
seta r_skipNodeGPUCulling             "0"
seta r_skipOcclusionBaseModel         "0"
seta r_skipParticles                  "0"
seta r_skipSlowLights                 "0"
seta r_skipStripDeadCode              "0"
seta r_skipSuppress                   "0"
seta r_skipSurfaceCPUCulling          "0"
seta r_skipTransparencySort           "0"
seta r_skipUpdateInView               "0"
seta r_skipViewParms                  "0"
seta r_skipVmtrs                      "0"
seta r_skipWaterSurfaces              "0"
seta r_skipWorld                      "0"
seta r_skipZCullReconstruct           "0"
echo "...Advanced IO Objects set"
//seta vt_maxaniso 4; echo "^1Setting the Visual Texture anisotropy..." //Set this to 0 if your having lots screen tarring issues and do NOT set this higher then 4 otherwise it will corrupt the Mega-Textures
echo "^1-If you Have seen NO Unknowns above this line then it has all been Loaded without errors-"
echo "^1 ...HD Config v2.1.1 by FusedCore Loaded, Enjoy the game!!!"
Ursprung der Konfiguration ist dieser Foren Thread es wurden lediglich einige Anpassungen was die Cache und Speichergrößen angeht. Hier lohnt es sich die Variable "com_videoRam" auf den wirklichen Stand der eigenen Karte zu bringen. Per Default "rechnet" das Spiel mit Maximal 1GB als Grafik RAM, ich habe jedoch eine GTX 480 mit 1.5 GB Speicher 500 MB wären ungenutzt. Auch der Image Cache Image_cacheMegs kann beruhigt bei viel RAM nach oben geschraubt werden. Bei wem diese Config zu Problemen Führt kann einige Parameter herabsetzen oder schaut sich alternative nicht die HD sondern nur die HQ Version der Config an.

3. Rage starten

Nun da die Config angepasst ist und die Startparameter eingegeben wurden kann Rage ganz normal gestartet werden. Im Menu von RAGE Drückt man nun die Taste "ö" oder "~" um die Konsole zu öffnen. Scrollt man nun nach oben sollten einige Rote Zeilen mit Config Meldungen auftauchen. Etwa so: Rage Console config options Na dann viel spaß in Rage und Gruß an Loonsum :)


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